Team Bride Guestbook

VAT included

Are you planning a bachelorette party for your girlfriend, your sister or yourself? Then this Team Bride guest book is just right for you! Memories, photos, sayings and great moments from the bachelorette party can be recorded in the book. A great surprise gift for the bride-to-be.

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Product Details

Data sheet

Length: 20.5 cm / Width: 20.5 cm
Wood, paper
Package/set size
1 book with 32 pages

Team Bride Guestbook

Are you planning a bachelorette party for your girlfriend, your sister or yourself? Then this Team Bride guest book is just right for you! Memories, photos, sayings and great moments from the bachelorette party can be recorded in the book. A great surprise gift for the bride-to-be.

Application and properties

Let the guests write memories, wishes, Polaroid photos and much more in the book. The bride-to-be will be happy about it. The guest book is made of a wooden cover. It has 32 pages, is 20.5 cm long and 20.5 cm wide. 

Wedding party ideas for women

We combine creativity with pure pleasure! You want an unforgettable Wedding reception which delights not only the heart but also the palate? Then you are exactly right with us. We offer various hen parties around the theme of pleasure! We offer you everything your heart desires, so your group can decorate their own chocolate, fine chocolates, cupcakes or a chocolate high heels with us.