Cleaning brush for proofing basket

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Thorough cleaning after each use of the proofing basket is not absolutely necessary, as long as no dough residues remain in the proofing basket. Often a thorough beating out is enough. But every now and then, your proofing basket needs to be cleaned a little more thoroughly to bring you back the best results when making delicious breads. With this cleaning brush you can quickly and easily remove dough residues as well as excess flour from every smallest groove.

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Product Details

Data sheet

Length: 10 cm / Width: 7.5 cm / Height: 2 cm
Bamboo / Plastic
Care instructions
Soak the bristles in warm water below 40 °C for 5-10 minutes and later rinse with clean water.

Cleaning brush for proofing basket

The handy cleaning brush is the perfect tool when it comes to cleaning a proofing basket. The bristles of this cleaning brush have the optimal strength to remove dough residues from the tadpole grooves of the proofing basket without damaging them. Ground wood proofing baskets are slightly easier to brush out, due to their slightly firmer surface. However, whether ground wood or peddigree proofing baskets with this ideally sized cleaning brush you remove even the smallest residues.

Application and properties

Cleaning a fermenting basket made of peddig cane does not require much effort and follows 2 steps.

After you remove the dough from the proofing basket, the proofing basket must first dry thoroughly to prevent mold.

If your proofing basket is dry, excess flour and dough residues can be tapped out. You can easily remove stubborn dough residues with this cleaning brush.


Soak the bristles of the cleaning brush in warm water below 40 °C for 5-10 minutes. If the brush is greasy, you can add a gentle detergent to the water. Finally, rinse the brush with clean water and hang it up in a dry, ventilated place with the bristles facing downwards. Avoid strong sunlight at all costs.