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Homemade strawberry elderberry jam


Delicious strawberry jam with elderberry

Strawberry, jam and elderberry - these three words alone put a smile on the face of many gourmets and those with a sweet tooth. Combining these delicious ingredients in one recipe results in a culinary masterpiece that is simply impossible to resist. Whether as a sweet accompaniment to breakfast or in combination with a dessert to round off a delicious dinner, strawberry jam with elderberry is a real treat.
If you haven't tried this delicious recipe yet, you should definitely put it on your to-do list. Whether you spread it on bread, toast or cake, this spread will simply delight everyone.
So what are you waiting for? Get all the ingredients and try this delicious strawberry elderberry jam recipe. It will send your taste buds to heaven.

Most important key data

Quantity: 1.5 kg jam

Cooking time: 4 to 5 minutes

Degree of difficulty: Easy

Shelf life: 2 years


Strawberries | fresh750 g
Elderflower syrup250 g
Granulated sugar500 g
Pectin25 g
Citric acid10 g
Water10 g


Wash the fresh strawberries, remove the green leaves and then put them in a large saucepan. Pour in the elderflower syrup.

Info: If you want a more intense elderberry flavour, you can increase the amount of elderflower syrup and reduce the amount of sugar.

Mix the sugar together with the pectin and add this mixture to the strawberries in the pot. Boil everything together until the strawberries soften and then start to mash them well.

By the way, we recommend using granulated sugar, pectin and citric acid instead of commercial preserving sugar, as this often contains palm oil and/or preservatives.

Dissolve the citric acid in the water and then pour it into the pureed jam. Bring the mixture to the boil again and let it simmer for 4-5 minutes so that it thickens slowly. In the meantime, prepare the preserving jars. Boil water and fill the jars to the brim with boiling water. Dip the lids of the jars into the hot water. Empty the jars again and fill them with the finished jam. It is best to use a funnel for this.

Turn the filled jars upside down once and let them stand for about 5 minutes. This will also sterilise the lid again.

Storage & Shelf Life

The finished, boiled jam can be kept for up to two years.

Strawberry season is finally here again, and that means we can pick fresh, juicy strawberries straight from the field! It's an experience you don't want to miss. And while we're picking the strawberries, we can also pick elderflowers directly. They are currently in season and both strawberries and elderflowers offer many delicious possibilities for further processing. From jams to refreshing, summery drinks to palate-pleasing desserts - the range is diverse and creative! If you've never picked elderberry before, it's time to give it a try! Elderflowers are an ingredient in many recipes, adding a special touch to the dish. Try it out and let your taste buds be transformed!


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