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Spaghetti alla chitarra recipe with mushroom cream sauce


Autumn beetroot spaghetti alla chitarra

Autumn time is pasta time! The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping and the desire for cosy evenings at home is growing. What could be better than spoiling yourself with a delicious pasta creation? Today we would like to introduce you to a recipe that fits perfectly into the autumnal setting: Spaghetti alla Chitarra with mushroom cream sauce and beetroot. Let yourself be enchanted by this dish and experience the magic of autumn in your kitchen!
To prepare it, we naturally need spaghetti alla chitarra. This type of pasta made from durum wheat semolina is something very special and gives the dish a rustic flavour. Together with the creamy mushroom sauce, it creates a unique flavour combination that you will love
To make our pasta even more autumnal, we also use beetroot powder. This natural food colouring gives our spaghetti a bright red colour and adds a special flavour. The combination of the savoury mushrooms and the earthy, slightly sweet beetroot makes this dish a real taste sensation.
Spaghetti alla Chitarra is made in no time at all and the special production technique gives it a rough surface texture. It is precisely this rough surface that makes this type of pasta so special, as it allows it to soak up the creamy sauce perfectly.

What are you waiting for? Put on your chef's apron, stand in your kitchen and start cooking! You'll be amazed by the combination of flavours and the play of textures in your mouth!

Most important key data

Quantity: for 4 people

Level of difficulty: Easy

Shelf life: 3 days

Beetroot pasta dough

Durum wheat semolina285 g
Beetroot powder15 g
Water | lukewarm135 g

Mushroom cream sauce

Onion | small1 pc.
Mushrooms | brown320 g
Butter 20 g
Flour20 g
Garlic clove2 pcs.
Whole cream170 g
White wine100 g
Vegetable stock100 g
Parsley | freshA little
Salt | pepper | nutmegto taste

Making durum wheat pasta

Put the durum wheat semolina together with the beetroot powder in a bowl and then add the lukewarm water. Roughly knead everything together by hand to form a slightly crumbly dough and then transfer to your clean work surface. Now knead it well. The dough will be quite firm at first. Once you have worked all the crumbs, wrap the dough in cling film and leave to rest at room temperature for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the dough will relax and you will see that it can then be easily worked into an elastic dough.

If the dough still feels crumbly after the waiting time, you can moisten your hands with a little water and knead the dough again briefly. Durum wheat is a natural product and cannot always absorb the same amount of water.

Now divide the dough into 4 equal pieces. Wrap 3 of them in cling film (the dough dries out quickly) and roll out the other piece into a thin sheet that is slightly shorter than your chitarra, but just as wide. You can either use a wooden stick to roll out the dough or run it through a pasta machine.

Sprinkle a generous amount of durum wheat semolina on the surface of the dough and place it with this side on the wire. Now roll over it with the wooden stick and apply light pressure until the individual spaghetti fall down. Repeat this process until the dough is used up.

Sprinkle the pasta you have made with more semolina and shape it into nests until you are ready to use it.

Making the mushroom cream sauce

Chop the onions into small, fine cubes and sauté them in a pan with 1 tbsp olive oil until they turn translucent. Chop the garlic into small pieces and sauté briefly.

Now add the butter and reduce the heat. As soon as it has melted, you can add the flour and stir with a whisk until smooth.

Now pour in the full cream and continue stirring with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming. Then stir in the white wine and vegetable stock.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and add them to the sauce. Depending on how firm the mushrooms are to the bite, leave to simmer on a low heat for approx. 10 to 15 minutes. Then chop some fresh parsley and add this to the sauce towards the end of the cooking time. Finally, season to taste with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg.

Cook the fresh pasta in plenty of salted water until al dente.

Add the cooked spaghetti alla chitarra to the pan with the sauce and toss briefly. Then arrange on a nice plate and serve with fresh, chopped parsley.

Storage & shelf life

The sauce will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. You can leave the finished spaghetti to dry and store it for up to 3 months. However, once cooked, you should also use up the pasta within a maximum of 3 days.


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